2020 Brings on Social Distancing
Well I have read numerous books on Pandemics and Biological Warfare due to my uber-intellectual boyfriends' book collection in his home in Ann Arbor. But, I never thought I'd see the day where one of the scenarios came to life here in the good old John Cougar Pink Houses USA. When I saw the crisis starting in China in December and then January, I started to worry and I also started to stock up on essentials, as I knew the wave was not being stopped! I did not need to panic with the hoards of TP buyers as I had already started a pantry in my house months and months ago. Plus it was easier on my bank account using a small portion extra from each paycheck to buy more than I usually budgeted for over a period of a few months. I wrote a list of things I knew I would need if I were locked in my home for up to 6 months and then set out to stock enough for that time. I figured also that maybe by doing this I hopefully would not need to use any of the items, as Murphy's Law usually prevails when I make plans like this. And the resulting harm from no pandemic would only be having too many cans of soup in my pantry which is an great problem to have versus a pandemic. I think now, ''well if little old stupid me thought of this, why didn't the United States Government?" Just wondering....
Being in Michigan which is currently in a Shelter In Place emergency, has been tough. I am hanging in there for the greater good. Last year at this time I was home for almost 3 months due to another medical crisis so I have a lot of practice at this! Last year seems like a surreal blurry dream and I do have some PTSD from it, as most of my days were spent lying in bed sleeping, walking down my driveway to keep my belly healing the right way or on the floor of my bathroom writhing in pain wondering if I was gonna be able to complete radiation treatments. I remember almost giving up right around the same time Notre Dame Cathedral burnt down. I remember seeing the flaming church on the TV in the waiting room and thinking "my body and my intestines feels like that church...just being burned to death by radiation and crumbling into thin charred pieces..."
So now here we are in late March of 2020 all staying home, watching our favorite musicians livestream songs from their homes and studios and dancing to DJ sets on Instagram. We all need to band together and support one another as artists and people! - lets make sure we all support our small businesses and artists so we can all come back out of this rabbit hole and start the music machine back up loud! Gosh, I was so looking forward to being able to attend and photograph festivals this summer too! Being healed from my wounds of last year, I was eager to slowly get back into my concert attendance groove.
Speaking of that, MoPop Festival announced their new festival site of Historic Fort Wayne and their line-up for late July. It's looking amazing with some great headliners. Lets all do our part right now by staying home so we do not infect anybody, so that maybe in July, we can all come together again!
Stay Safe, Stay Home!
Stop the Spread
Think About Your Impact on Others right now!